An excerpt from a footenote of my dissertation's first chapter
However, there is a glaring lack of engagement of feminist discourses with the physical sciences; concentrating, rather, on the more “accessible” biological sciences since the latter lend more easily to the performativity of cultural criticism. See Belcastro, Sarah Marie and Jean Marie Moran. “Interpretations of Feminist Philosophy by Feminist Physical Scientists.” NWSA Journal . 15.1 (Spring). Project Muse . 18 September 2006 . There is little critique, beyond the discussions of women’s participation and apprenticeship in the physical and mathematical sciences, into the epistemological conditions that bring about the validation and justification of certain scientific beliefs and facticity, which, admittedly, is a difficult process to do. Barad’s seminal work in this area, Meeting the Universe Halfway , is a laudable attempt to fill this gap, though it does not address sufficiently the production of that scientific knowledge and how that compares to existing feminist scientific epist...