History of Physical Sciences Highlights at the 2014 History of Science Society Conference
Two of the panels I have proposed are included in this list that has been curated by Joseph D Martin, list-coordinator for H-Physical Sciences. My session is highlighted. -------------------------------- As many of you have probably seen, the preliminary program for the upcoming History of Science Society meeting is now available online: http://www.hssonline.org/ Meeting/2013HSSMeeting/2013_ Preliminary_Program.pdf The program is a strong one for the history of the physical sciences. I've included a list of physical-science-themed sessions below (if I've overlooked any, let me know!) Since this is the first HSS meeting where the Physical Sciences Forum will meet as an established unit with a presence on the program, we hope that many of you will find time to attend the distinguished lecture by Peter Galison over the lunch hour on Friday . Please also note that the PSF business meeting early on Friday morning is open to all registrants and that the broader the ...