
Showing posts from May, 2021

Why sleep is good

When I was a kid, I loved sleep. I used to have this school holiday practice of sleeping early (forcing myself to do so even when I didn't want to) and then making myself wake up early and planned a bunch of activities for myself. Growing up in the 20th century without the ubiquitous electronics and 24/7 streaming services made this fairly easy (especially when the TV went dead by a certain time). Sure, I was also the kid that enjoyed staying up and watching old movies. But the most important thing of all, I slept well regardless.  When I failed an exam, I slept well. When I resented someone, I slept well. As a kid, we probably had the natural habit of not allowing any of the emotions of the day to carry into bedtime and the next day. This practice is lost on us as adults. As part of my own enforced well-being practice on weekends (I am getting better at it by reminding myself that I will be more productive this way, although I still fall through the cracks), I read Sleep Smarter: ...